Get the 2018 UN UNISPACE+50 Stamps Issued by the Vienna Office in One Easy Order
The United Nations' Vienna office released two stamps for UNISPACE+50, including the 0,68-Euro stamp picturing Jupiter's famous Great Red Spot. This spot is actually a massive high-pressure storm about 1.3 times larger than the Earth's diameter. It has been under observation since at least 1830, though there are some earlier reports known. If these accounts are correct, the Great Red Spot has been around for at least 350 years.
Jupiter's Great Red Spot is one of the most famous features of our solar system and has been photographed by spacecraft beginning with Voyager I in 1979. Since then, several other spacecraft have sent images back to Earth of the spot, with the closest occurrence to this stamp issue being Juno on July 11, 2017.