# UNG693 - 2021 F.S. 2,00 International Day for Elimination of Racial Descrimination
Keep Your United Nations Stamp Collection Up to Date
This United Against Racism and Discrimination stamp was issued by the Geneva Office of the United Nations in 2021. The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is March 21st every year. The day was first observed in 1966, six years after police fired upon a crowd of people in Sharpeville, South Africa, who were peacefully demonstrating against apartheid. 69 people were killed. The United Nations General Assembly established International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to issue a call to action across the globe. The goal was to encourage all nations to increase their efforts to eliminate racism and discrimination. Every year has a different theme assigned to the day. In 2021, the theme was "United Against Racism and Discrimination."
Keep Your United Nations Stamp Collection Up to Date
This United Against Racism and Discrimination stamp was issued by the Geneva Office of the United Nations in 2021. The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is March 21st every year. The day was first observed in 1966, six years after police fired upon a crowd of people in Sharpeville, South Africa, who were peacefully demonstrating against apartheid. 69 people were killed. The United Nations General Assembly established International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to issue a call to action across the globe. The goal was to encourage all nations to increase their efforts to eliminate racism and discrimination. Every year has a different theme assigned to the day. In 2021, the theme was "United Against Racism and Discrimination."