# SCK04 - Mystic's Beginner Supply Collecting Kit
Get the Supplies You Need to Get Started on Your Stamp-Collecting Journey – in One Easy Order!
If you’re a beginning collector, you’ll need a few tools. This little kit gives you four of the most important ones to own as you start your stamp-collecting adventure. They’ll help you put stamps in your album, identify the stamps you have, handle them safely, and let you see all their tiny details more clearly. Here’s what’s included:
Stamp Hinges
- Let you safely attach your stamps to album pages for a great display
- High-quality and pre-folded to make placement easier
- Easily removeable if moistened lightly and allowed to dry
- Acid-free gum
- Manufactured by German company Prinz, renowned hinge makers
2-In-1 Magnifier
- Gives you both 3x power plus 6x power spot magnification
- Best way to appreciate fine details in stamp designs
- Perfect for finding secret marks on stamps, plus reading tiny names and dates
- Helps you detect differences between “look-alike” stamps
- Convenient pocket size for carrying to stamp club meetings
- Safest way to handle your stamps
- Protects from harmful dirt, fingerprints and oils
- Helps prevent damage to stamp perforations
- Highly polished steel finish
- Produced by German manufacturer Solingen, makers of fine precision instruments
Perforation Gauge
- Another easy-to-use aide to identifying your stamps
- Lets you discover perforation differences in stamps that look exactly the same, but are actually different stamps
- Measures stamps from perf. 7 to perf. 16, including half-perforations
- Two convenient scales – one in the center for gauging loose stamps, the other around the edges for gauging stamps already mounted in your album
- Neat black and silver metal gauge made in Canada
- Comes with complimentary Mystic white cardstock gauge printed with easy-to-follow instructions
Knowledgeable collectors around the world use these tools to care for and discover more about their stamps. You can, too. Wouldn’t it be great to have them at your fingertips, helping you get the most out of your collection?
Order your Beginner’s Supply Kit today – and gain all the benefits that come with owning the basic tools of stamp collecting – the world’s greatest hobby!
Get the Supplies You Need to Get Started on Your Stamp-Collecting Journey – in One Easy Order!
If you’re a beginning collector, you’ll need a few tools. This little kit gives you four of the most important ones to own as you start your stamp-collecting adventure. They’ll help you put stamps in your album, identify the stamps you have, handle them safely, and let you see all their tiny details more clearly. Here’s what’s included:
Stamp Hinges
- Let you safely attach your stamps to album pages for a great display
- High-quality and pre-folded to make placement easier
- Easily removeable if moistened lightly and allowed to dry
- Acid-free gum
- Manufactured by German company Prinz, renowned hinge makers
2-In-1 Magnifier
- Gives you both 3x power plus 6x power spot magnification
- Best way to appreciate fine details in stamp designs
- Perfect for finding secret marks on stamps, plus reading tiny names and dates
- Helps you detect differences between “look-alike” stamps
- Convenient pocket size for carrying to stamp club meetings
- Safest way to handle your stamps
- Protects from harmful dirt, fingerprints and oils
- Helps prevent damage to stamp perforations
- Highly polished steel finish
- Produced by German manufacturer Solingen, makers of fine precision instruments
Perforation Gauge
- Another easy-to-use aide to identifying your stamps
- Lets you discover perforation differences in stamps that look exactly the same, but are actually different stamps
- Measures stamps from perf. 7 to perf. 16, including half-perforations
- Two convenient scales – one in the center for gauging loose stamps, the other around the edges for gauging stamps already mounted in your album
- Neat black and silver metal gauge made in Canada
- Comes with complimentary Mystic white cardstock gauge printed with easy-to-follow instructions
Knowledgeable collectors around the world use these tools to care for and discover more about their stamps. You can, too. Wouldn’t it be great to have them at your fingertips, helping you get the most out of your collection?
Order your Beginner’s Supply Kit today – and gain all the benefits that come with owning the basic tools of stamp collecting – the world’s greatest hobby!