7 Classic US Postage Stamps

Price: $9.95 with FREE Shipping and Guaranteed Delivery
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Now is your chance to own seven used classic US postage stamps for just $9.95. You save off the regular price and get FREE shipping and guaranteed delivery.

US #294 was the first stamp of the 1901 Pan-American Series – and the first commemorative stamp of the 20th century. Even today, the Pan-Americans are one of the most popular series of all time.

US #304 was issued as part of the Series of 1902-03. It features President Lincoln as he looked during the Civil War, solemn and careworn. Many collectors believe the two female figures pictured on either side of Lincoln represent the North and South reuniting after the war. The Series of 1902-1903 launched a new design of regular issue stamps that were more ornate than older issues. All of these stamps are
beautiful examples of the engraver’s art you’ll want in your collection.

As you might expect of stamps over 118 years old that passed through the mail, each one has a minor imperfection or two. These small fl aws don’t detract from their beauty or collectibility but do allow a nice discount.

Own this special set of classic US stamps with small imperfections for just $9.95. Order today and you’ll also receive special collector’s information and other interesting stamps on approval.

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