Mystic’s Stamp Blog-

Have You Ever Seen a JFK Mourning Cover?

Have You Ever Seen a JFK Mourning Cover?

Posted by The Stamp Sleuth on 5th Jun 2024

Have you ever seen a JFK mourning cover?  After President Kennedy was assassinated November 22, 1963, countless Americans sent letters of condolence to First Lady Jackie Kennedy.  Her privat … read more
Stamped Envelopes with Missing Ink

Stamped Envelopes with Missing Ink

Posted by The Stamp Sleuth on 5th Jun 2024

Every so often, we come across stamps with ink colors missing.  But have you ever seen a stamped envelope that was only partially inked?  Here are three examples, although sometimes the ink … read more
A Fly in the Ointment... Or a Hair in the Ink?!

A Fly in the Ointment... Or a Hair in the Ink?!

Posted by The Stamp Sleuth on 5th Jun 2024

At first glance, you might think this stamp has been canceled...  But it's actually a small mistake that sometimes appears on overprinted stamps.  During the overprinting process, a hair got … read more