# MFN626 - 2024 "Russian Navy - to the Bottom", 1 Mint Stamp, Ukraine
Own Mint 2024 "Russian Navy, go to the bottom!" Stamp From Ukraine
This stamp is the third in the "Russian warship...!" series of postage stamps and pictures sinking ships which represent the Russian warships destroyed by Ukraine. The ship in the background that's still afloat, but has a red gunsight on it, represents Russian patrol frigate Admiral Makarov, potentially the next target for Ukraine. The stamp is hoped to be prophetic and symbolize the elimination of all Russian warships occupying the Azov-Black Sea region.
Get this mint stamp in your collection today. You'll get historic Ukraine War stamp in your collection while also helping support Ukraine.
Own Mint 2024 "Russian Navy, go to the bottom!" Stamp From Ukraine
This stamp is the third in the "Russian warship...!" series of postage stamps and pictures sinking ships which represent the Russian warships destroyed by Ukraine. The ship in the background that's still afloat, but has a red gunsight on it, represents Russian patrol frigate Admiral Makarov, potentially the next target for Ukraine. The stamp is hoped to be prophetic and symbolize the elimination of all Russian warships occupying the Azov-Black Sea region.
Get this mint stamp in your collection today. You'll get historic Ukraine War stamp in your collection while also helping support Ukraine.