105 Used Airmail Stamps & Free pages

# M296 - 105 Used Airmail Stamps & Free pages

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U.S. Airmail Starter Collection
with Free Illustrated Album Pages

This is a great way to get going on that Airmail collection you’ve always wanted.  You’ll receive over 100 US Airmail stamps plus FREE illustrated pages.  Helping you get the most from your hobby hours, these pages will beautify, organize and protect your new collection.  What could be better than getting started so conveniently?

Airmail stamps have always had an exciting aura about them, doubtless due to the dangerous early days of the pioneering of airmail when pilots risked life and limb to perform their hazardous duty.  Once begun, your airmail collection will take you on a journey that will last a lifetime.  So get started right away, order your collection now.

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U.S. Airmail Starter Collection
with Free Illustrated Album Pages

This is a great way to get going on that Airmail collection you’ve always wanted.  You’ll receive over 100 US Airmail stamps plus FREE illustrated pages.  Helping you get the most from your hobby hours, these pages will beautify, organize and protect your new collection.  What could be better than getting started so conveniently?

Airmail stamps have always had an exciting aura about them, doubtless due to the dangerous early days of the pioneering of airmail when pilots risked life and limb to perform their hazardous duty.  Once begun, your airmail collection will take you on a journey that will last a lifetime.  So get started right away, order your collection now.