1922-32 Regular Issues, 24 stamps, used

# M18 - 1922-32 Regular Issues, 24 stamps, used

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Miscellaneous Ships in 1-3 business days. Ships in 1-3 business days.
$ 8.50
$ 8.50
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Very affordable - 24 Definitives from 1922-32.  Every stamp in this special collector's set is over 70 years old, yet they're priced at less than 21¢ apiece!  These postally used stamps really moved the mail – they're an important part of your heritage. Selections may vary – the one I examined included the high-denominated 30¢ Buffalo and 50¢ Arlington Amphitheater issues.

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Very affordable - 24 Definitives from 1922-32.  Every stamp in this special collector's set is over 70 years old, yet they're priced at less than 21¢ apiece!  These postally used stamps really moved the mail – they're an important part of your heritage. Selections may vary – the one I examined included the high-denominated 30¢ Buffalo and 50¢ Arlington Amphitheater issues.