2015 Le5500 UN International Year of Cosmic Light, Mint Sheet of 6 Stamps, Sierra Leone
# M11911 - 2015 Le5500 UN International Year of Cosmic Light, Mint Sheet of 6 Stamps, Sierra Leone
Wonders of the Cosmos on Mint Stamp Sheet
Stunning mint sheet pictures awe-inspiring wonders of our universe. It was issued as part of the United Nation’s International Year of Light (IYL) in 2015. The goal of the IYL was to highlight the achievements of light science and how it affects mankind. Send for yours and enjoy the unbelievable beauty of space from home.
Wonders of the Cosmos on Mint Stamp Sheet
Stunning mint sheet pictures awe-inspiring wonders of our universe. It was issued as part of the United Nation’s International Year of Light (IYL) in 2015. The goal of the IYL was to highlight the achievements of light science and how it affects mankind. Send for yours and enjoy the unbelievable beauty of space from home.