# M11743 - 1933-2015 Giant Mint US Souvenir Sheet Collection, Set of 61
Get an Instant Collection of US Souvenir Sheets
61 Sheets Spanning 82 Years!
Since the first US issue in 1926, souvenir sheets have been an interesting collecting specialty. Most early souvenir sheets were created specifically for collectors – usually to publicize a stamp show – and not for general postage use. Consequently, they are often issued in quantities far less than regular US commemorative stamps. This limited issue quantity means many collectors will never own these sought-after sheets – especially the elusive older issues. And souvenir sheets weren’t issued very often. For many years the postal service issued just one souvenir sheet each decade!
Now you can start or rapidly expand your souvenir sheet collection with this convenient and money-saving set of 61 mint-fresh souvenir sheets issued between 1933 and 2015. Just look at all you’ll get:
• Several FDR-era sheets issued for world’s fairs, stamp shows, and more.
• The 1947 CIPEX sheet that reproduced America’s first postage stamps!
• The 1976 Bicentennial sheets that pictured four of the most famous Revolutionary War-era paintings.
• The first US Souvenir Sheet issued in a foreign country (Canada) for the 1978 CAPEX stamp show.
• The first US miniature sheets, issued for AMERIPEX ’86, which picture every US president through Lyndon Johnson.
• Several sheets recreating older stamps, often with the original dies! These include popular classics such as the Columbians and the Trans-Mississippi stamps. In fact, the 1998 Trans-Mississippi sheets recreated the beloved stamps from a century earlier in two-colors as they were originally intended.
• America’s largest postage stamp, which pictures the Mars Pathfinder and has hidden details you can only see with a decoder.
• The set of four 2000 space exploration stamps, which are packed with firsts. These were America’s first hologram stamps and included the first round and five-sided stamps!
Plus, more sheets honoring the Universal Postal Union, Normal Rockwell, World Cup Soccer, diplomats, Supreme Court justices, modern art, Samuel de Champlain, the Moon Landing and more. This collection is packed with US and postal history you’ll want to own. Get and instant collection and save time and money – order yours today!
Collection includes: C126, 730, 731, 735, 750, 751, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 778, 797, 948, 1075, 1686-89, 1757, 2216-19, 2433, 2438, 2559, 2624-29, 2697, 2765, 2837, 2838, 2840, 2841, 2875, 2981, 3139-40, 3178, 3209, 3409, 3410, 3411, 3412, 3413, 3505, 4074, 4075, 4076, 4123, 4422, 4716, 4748, 4806, 4982-85, 3210
Get an Instant Collection of US Souvenir Sheets
61 Sheets Spanning 82 Years!
Since the first US issue in 1926, souvenir sheets have been an interesting collecting specialty. Most early souvenir sheets were created specifically for collectors – usually to publicize a stamp show – and not for general postage use. Consequently, they are often issued in quantities far less than regular US commemorative stamps. This limited issue quantity means many collectors will never own these sought-after sheets – especially the elusive older issues. And souvenir sheets weren’t issued very often. For many years the postal service issued just one souvenir sheet each decade!
Now you can start or rapidly expand your souvenir sheet collection with this convenient and money-saving set of 61 mint-fresh souvenir sheets issued between 1933 and 2015. Just look at all you’ll get:
• Several FDR-era sheets issued for world’s fairs, stamp shows, and more.
• The 1947 CIPEX sheet that reproduced America’s first postage stamps!
• The 1976 Bicentennial sheets that pictured four of the most famous Revolutionary War-era paintings.
• The first US Souvenir Sheet issued in a foreign country (Canada) for the 1978 CAPEX stamp show.
• The first US miniature sheets, issued for AMERIPEX ’86, which picture every US president through Lyndon Johnson.
• Several sheets recreating older stamps, often with the original dies! These include popular classics such as the Columbians and the Trans-Mississippi stamps. In fact, the 1998 Trans-Mississippi sheets recreated the beloved stamps from a century earlier in two-colors as they were originally intended.
• America’s largest postage stamp, which pictures the Mars Pathfinder and has hidden details you can only see with a decoder.
• The set of four 2000 space exploration stamps, which are packed with firsts. These were America’s first hologram stamps and included the first round and five-sided stamps!
Plus, more sheets honoring the Universal Postal Union, Normal Rockwell, World Cup Soccer, diplomats, Supreme Court justices, modern art, Samuel de Champlain, the Moon Landing and more. This collection is packed with US and postal history you’ll want to own. Get and instant collection and save time and money – order yours today!
Collection includes: C126, 730, 731, 735, 750, 751, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 778, 797, 948, 1075, 1686-89, 1757, 2216-19, 2433, 2438, 2559, 2624-29, 2697, 2765, 2837, 2838, 2840, 2841, 2875, 2981, 3139-40, 3178, 3209, 3409, 3410, 3411, 3412, 3413, 3505, 4074, 4075, 4076, 4123, 4422, 4716, 4748, 4806, 4982-85, 3210