1993 Palau WWII 50th Anniversary
# M11159 - 1993 Palau WWII 50th Anniversary
Mint Stamp Sheet Shows Timeline of
The Pacific War in 1943
This sheet of 10 mint stamps follows 1943, the year the war turned to the Allies advantage in the Pacific. Each stamp pictures planes, ships, and soldiers involved in the fight to overcome Imperial Japan. The center image pictures the submarine, the USS Bowfin, which patrolled the Western Pacific from 1943 to the end of the war.
Mint Stamp Sheet Shows Timeline of
The Pacific War in 1943
This sheet of 10 mint stamps follows 1943, the year the war turned to the Allies advantage in the Pacific. Each stamp pictures planes, ships, and soldiers involved in the fight to overcome Imperial Japan. The center image pictures the submarine, the USS Bowfin, which patrolled the Western Pacific from 1943 to the end of the war.