Volume I, Mystic's American Heirloom Collection of United States Back-of-the-Book Stamps
# DS170 - Volume I, Mystic's American Heirloom Collection of United States Back-of-the-Book Stamps
The Back-of-the-Book American Heirloom Album Volume I is fully illustrated and includes information and Scott Catalogue numbers with spaces for the following stamp categories:
- Airmail Special Delivery (CE1 and CE2)
- Special Delivery (E1-E23)
- Registration (F1)
- Certified (FA1)
- Postage Due (J1-J104)
- Parcel Post (Q1-Q12)
- Special Handling (QE1-QE4)
- Parcel Post Postage Due-(JQ1-JQ5)
- Official (O1- O163)
- Newspaper and Periodical (PR1 – PR125)
- Revenue Stamps (R1- R150)
- Imperforate, Series of 1862-71
- Part Imperforate, Series of 1862-71
- Perforate Stamps (Old Paper) Series of 1862-71
- Perforate Stamps (Silk Paper) Series of 1862-71
- Documentary Stamps, Series of 1871-72
- Hunting (RW1 – RW85)
- Postal Saving Stamps (PS1, PS4, PS6-PS15)
- Savings Stamps (S1-S7)
- War Savings (WS1- WS13)
- Confederate (CSA1-CSA14)
The Back-of-the-Book American Heirloom Album Volume I is fully illustrated and includes information and Scott Catalogue numbers with spaces for the following stamp categories:
- Airmail Special Delivery (CE1 and CE2)
- Special Delivery (E1-E23)
- Registration (F1)
- Certified (FA1)
- Postage Due (J1-J104)
- Parcel Post (Q1-Q12)
- Special Handling (QE1-QE4)
- Parcel Post Postage Due-(JQ1-JQ5)
- Official (O1- O163)
- Newspaper and Periodical (PR1 – PR125)
- Revenue Stamps (R1- R150)
- Imperforate, Series of 1862-71
- Part Imperforate, Series of 1862-71
- Perforate Stamps (Old Paper) Series of 1862-71
- Perforate Stamps (Silk Paper) Series of 1862-71
- Documentary Stamps, Series of 1871-72
- Hunting (RW1 – RW85)
- Postal Saving Stamps (PS1, PS4, PS6-PS15)
- Savings Stamps (S1-S7)
- War Savings (WS1- WS13)
- Confederate (CSA1-CSA14)