Native American $1 Coin Hospitality of Native Americans to Lewis and Clark Expedition
Now you can add the 2014 $1 Native American Hospitality coin to your collection. It honors the part Native American tribes played in the success of the Corps of Discovery.
As Lewis and Clark traveled West during their expedition, they left the territory that had been acquired through the Louisiana Purchase and entered the Pacific Northwest. This land was unfamiliar to Europeans. Without the help of friendly Native Americans, the expedition likely would have failed.
The tribes living in this region provided the corps with supplies and guidance through the unfamiliar terrain. During the winters, Lewis, Clark, and their team were provided shelter by the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Clatsop tribes. The Native Americans and members of the Corps of Discovery developed a respect for each other that formed a foundation for future relationships between the Indians and early settlers.
About the $1 Native American Coin Program: In 2009, the US Mint began issuing $1 coins in accordance with the Native American One Dollar Coin Act. Each coin pictures a portrait of Sacagawea on the "heads' side and a special yearly design on the "tails" side. They honor the contributions of Native Americans throughout US history, whether it be individuals or larger communities.