2009 Guam PNC

# CNC36 FDC - 2009 Guam PNC

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Coin First Day Cover ⓘ Ships in 1-3 business days. Ships in 1-3 business days.
$ 29.00
$ 29.00
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 Get the Guam Territorial Quarter United States Mint Official Commemorative Cover

This neat cover pictures the island of Guam and features a U.S. flag stamp canceled by two coin first day of issue postmarks, marking the first day the Guarm Territory quarter was issued.  The coin also features two uncirculated Guam Territory quarters, one each from the Philadelphia and Denver Mints.  Its a great way to mark the issue of the Guam Territory quarter.

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 Get the Guam Territorial Quarter United States Mint Official Commemorative Cover

This neat cover pictures the island of Guam and features a U.S. flag stamp canceled by two coin first day of issue postmarks, marking the first day the Guarm Territory quarter was issued.  The coin also features two uncirculated Guam Territory quarters, one each from the Philadelphia and Denver Mints.  Its a great way to mark the issue of the Guam Territory quarter.