# 115457 - 1983 BCP Treaty News/Ameri
Ratification Day
In 1782, it became apparent to the British that the Colonies would soon win their independence. Negotiations began in Paris that April. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay represented the United States and Davis Hartley, a member of the parliament, spoke on behalf of King George III.
Negotiations lasted through the summer and both nations signed a preliminary agreement on November 30, 1782. In spite of these peace talks, fighting continued in America. In the meantime, the governments of both nations reviewed the terms of the agreement. Then in February 1783, King George III issued the Proclamation of Cessation of Hostilities to end the fighting. Likewise, the Confederation Congress issued a proclamation “Declaring the cessation of arms” against Great Britain that April. Days later, they approved the preliminary peace agreement.
Click here to read Congress’ proclamation of the ratification.
Ratification Day
In 1782, it became apparent to the British that the Colonies would soon win their independence. Negotiations began in Paris that April. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay represented the United States and Davis Hartley, a member of the parliament, spoke on behalf of King George III.
Negotiations lasted through the summer and both nations signed a preliminary agreement on November 30, 1782. In spite of these peace talks, fighting continued in America. In the meantime, the governments of both nations reviewed the terms of the agreement. Then in February 1783, King George III issued the Proclamation of Cessation of Hostilities to end the fighting. Likewise, the Confederation Congress issued a proclamation “Declaring the cessation of arms” against Great Britain that April. Days later, they approved the preliminary peace agreement.
Click here to read Congress’ proclamation of the ratification.