# 97425 - 1987 Convention Debates Citizeship
Cover Celebrates Constitutional Debate Over Citizenship
Own this cover marking the bicentennial of the US Constitution, the document that framed America’s government. It commemorates the date of a heated debate over admitting foreigners to Congress. Benjamin Franklin argued in favor of letting new citizens be elected rather than imposing a waiting period.
The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, postmarks pays tribute to the city where the Constitutional Convention was held. The cover features a
Register to Vote stamp (#1249) and a Flag Over the Capitol stamp. The cachet pictures Benjamin Franklin, the oldest delegate at the convention.
This cover is part of a series issued in honor of the Bicentennial of the Constitution. Begin your mini-collection of these covers today.
Cover Celebrates Constitutional Debate Over Citizenship
Own this cover marking the bicentennial of the US Constitution, the document that framed America’s government. It commemorates the date of a heated debate over admitting foreigners to Congress. Benjamin Franklin argued in favor of letting new citizens be elected rather than imposing a waiting period.
The Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, postmarks pays tribute to the city where the Constitutional Convention was held. The cover features a
Register to Vote stamp (#1249) and a Flag Over the Capitol stamp. The cachet pictures Benjamin Franklin, the oldest delegate at the convention.
This cover is part of a series issued in honor of the Bicentennial of the Constitution. Begin your mini-collection of these covers today.