Cover Honors Founding Father David Brearley
Own this cover picturing David Brearley (1745-1790). The Flag over Independence Hall and Inkwell & Quill stamps are tied to the cover with Trenton, New Jersey, postmarks. Brearley spent much of his adult life in that city. The date on the postmark represents the 233th anniversary of his birth.
Brearley attended the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) before setting up his own law practice. He was opposed to British rule of the American Colonies and joined the New Jersey militia ear in the Revolutionary War. He eventually earned the rank of colonel.
After the war, Brearley served as chief justice of New Jersey’s Supreme Court. As a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, he served as chairman of the Committee on Postponed Parts, which influenced much of the structure of the new government. When George Washington became the nation’s first President, he appointed Brearley to the US District Court for the District of New Jersey. He was in this role until his death.