U.S. #5660-61c
2022 58¢ Love
Value: 58¢ 1-ounce First-class rate (Forever)
Issue Date: January 14, 2022
First Day City: Romeo, MI
Type of Stamp: Commemorative
Printed by: Banknote Corporation of America
Printing Method: Offset
Format: Pane of 20
Quantity Printed: 150,000,000
If you have ever heard the saying "blood is thicker than water," then you'll know there is nothing quite like the love of one's family. And family is forever. But that doesn't just mean those who are biologically related to us. It could be the friends we have chosen to surround ourselves with and who have proven themselves to stand by us through thick and thin.
Family love is about having someone to lean on through the tough times and someone to laugh with during the happy ones. Family are the people who love us no matter what we do or the mistakes we make. They stick by us and are our greatest cheerleaders. At the same time, they'll let us know when we're in the wrong, but won't hesitate to forgive us.
Some times, family can be just mom and dad. Other times, it includes siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins. It can also include college friends who have become like siblings to us. And, of course, we can't forget those who marry into our family, like significant others, step-parents, and step-siblings.
While family means something different to everyone, there are some things that are the same all around. We all have people who love us and who we can always count on to be in our corner.