U.S. #5298a
2018 50¢ O Beautiful – Death Valley, California/Nevada
Value: 50¢ 1-ounce First-Class Letter Rate (Forever)
Issue Date: July 4, 2018
First Day City: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Type of Stamp: Commemorative
Printed by: Ashton Potter
Printing Method: Offset
Format: Pane of 20
Quantity Printed: 60,000,000
Death Valley, California, holds the record for the highest air temperature ever recorded – 134 degrees Fahrenheit on July 10, 1913. However, despite being known as one of the hottest places on Earth, Death Valley is full of natural beauty.
Located near the border of California and Nevada, Death Valley is surrounded by towering mountain ranges. These high peaks act as moisture barriers, preventing most rain from reaching the valley. Even with its extremely hot and dry climate, Death Valley is full of life. Animals have learned to adapt, and plants like Joshua trees, creosote, and mesquite bushes thrive. In cooler months (September to May), brief rain showers bring an explosion of color as fields of wildflowers spring up throughout the valley.
Photographers from across the country travel to Death Valley each year, often hiking for hours to reach the best locations. The most stunning photographs are taken on rare overcast days when just a few slivers of sunlight peek through the clouds. These conditions are perfect for capturing details otherwise obscured by the ever-present sun. Photographers who catch a cloudy day in Death Valley know how lucky they are. They are some of the few to capture the hidden beauty of this American landmark.