2014 Priority and Express Mail, set of 3 stamps

# 4872//4927 - 2014 Priority and Express Mail, set of 3 stamps

$77.50 - $116.50
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Image Condition Price Qty
Mint Stamp(s) Ships in 1-3 business days. Ships in 1-3 business days.
$ 116.50
$ 116.50
Used Single Stamp(s) Ships in 1-3 business days. Ships in 1-3 business days.
$ 77.50
$ 77.50
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Own High-Value U.S. Stamps...
Missing from Most Collections

Now you can own three big and beautiful Priority/Express Mail stamps with high denominations.  Seldom-seen in U.S. collections, these stamps picture scenic American landmarks:  New York’s Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Hawaii’s USS Arizona Memorial and West Virginia’s Glade Creek Grist Mill.

Order today and keep your modern U.S. collection up-to-date. 

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Own High-Value U.S. Stamps...
Missing from Most Collections

Now you can own three big and beautiful Priority/Express Mail stamps with high denominations.  Seldom-seen in U.S. collections, these stamps picture scenic American landmarks:  New York’s Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Hawaii’s USS Arizona Memorial and West Virginia’s Glade Creek Grist Mill.

Order today and keep your modern U.S. collection up-to-date.