2005 37c Ronald Reagan

# 3897 - 2005 37c Ronald Reagan

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U.S. #3897
37¢ Ronald Reagan
Issue Date: February 9, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
Quantity Issued: 170,000,000
Printed by: American Packaging Corporation for Sennett Security Products
Printing Method: Photogravure
Perforations: Serpentine die cut 10 ¾
Color: Multicolored

Birth Of Ronald Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois, on February 6, 1911.

Even as a young man, Reagan showed an interest in acting and politics. He appeared in several school plays throughout his high school career and was elected president of the student council. In 1928, “Dutch,” as he was known, entered Eureka College, majoring in economics and sociology. While attending Eureka, Reagan participated in different sports, played the lead role in several school productions, and served as the president of the student body.


In 1932, Reagan graduated from college and became a sportscaster at a local radio station in Des Moines, Iowa. Five years later, while covering baseball spring training in California, Reagan made a screen test for Warner Brothers. Between 1937 and 1964, Reagan appeared in over 50 motion pictures. He served six terms as president of the Screen Actors Guild, a union that represents actors and actresses. Because of his poor eyesight, Reagan couldn’t serve overseas during World War II, but helped produce over 400 Army Air Force training films.

Reagan first entered politics as a Democrat, campaigning for Harry Truman in 1948. However, during the 1950s, Reagan gradually adopted more conservative views, campaigning for Republican candidates Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. In 1962, Reagan officially joined the Republican Party.

In 1966, Reagan was elected to the first of three terms as Governor of California. While in office, Reagan worked hard to reduce the size and cost of government. Although he was responsible for major policy decisions, Governor Reagan surrounded himself with capable people and relied on them to work out the details of his legislative program.

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U.S. #3897
37¢ Ronald Reagan
Issue Date: February 9, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
Quantity Issued: 170,000,000
Printed by: American Packaging Corporation for Sennett Security Products
Printing Method: Photogravure
Perforations: Serpentine die cut 10 ¾
Color: Multicolored

Birth Of Ronald Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois, on February 6, 1911.

Even as a young man, Reagan showed an interest in acting and politics. He appeared in several school plays throughout his high school career and was elected president of the student council. In 1928, “Dutch,” as he was known, entered Eureka College, majoring in economics and sociology. While attending Eureka, Reagan participated in different sports, played the lead role in several school productions, and served as the president of the student body.


In 1932, Reagan graduated from college and became a sportscaster at a local radio station in Des Moines, Iowa. Five years later, while covering baseball spring training in California, Reagan made a screen test for Warner Brothers. Between 1937 and 1964, Reagan appeared in over 50 motion pictures. He served six terms as president of the Screen Actors Guild, a union that represents actors and actresses. Because of his poor eyesight, Reagan couldn’t serve overseas during World War II, but helped produce over 400 Army Air Force training films.

Reagan first entered politics as a Democrat, campaigning for Harry Truman in 1948. However, during the 1950s, Reagan gradually adopted more conservative views, campaigning for Republican candidates Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. In 1962, Reagan officially joined the Republican Party.

In 1966, Reagan was elected to the first of three terms as Governor of California. While in office, Reagan worked hard to reduce the size and cost of government. Although he was responsible for major policy decisions, Governor Reagan surrounded himself with capable people and relied on them to work out the details of his legislative program.