# 318 - 1908 1c Franklin, blue green
Rare #318 Pair with Fine Centering
Here’s an acquisition that’s sure to be the cornerstone of your U.S. collection – the 1908 1¢ Franklin horizontal coil pair.
As one of the first government issued coil stamps, #318 has always been scarce. As an experiment, it was produced in limited quantities and distributed to only a few locations. And #318 is even more rare in multiples like this mint coil pair.
While typical examples are usually off-centered either top to bottom or side to side, this coil pair has nice even margins and centering all around – making it one of the finest examples of the 1¢ Franklin experimental coil issue.
Rare #318 Pair with Fine Centering
Here’s an acquisition that’s sure to be the cornerstone of your U.S. collection – the 1908 1¢ Franklin horizontal coil pair.
As one of the first government issued coil stamps, #318 has always been scarce. As an experiment, it was produced in limited quantities and distributed to only a few locations. And #318 is even more rare in multiples like this mint coil pair.
While typical examples are usually off-centered either top to bottom or side to side, this coil pair has nice even margins and centering all around – making it one of the finest examples of the 1¢ Franklin experimental coil issue.