# 266,267 - 1895 2c Carmine, DL wmrk T2 & T3
1895 2¢ Washington
Type II
Issue Quantity: 125,000,000 (estimate)
Printed by: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Watermark: Double line USPS
Perforation: 12
Color: Carmine
U.S. #266 is the 1895 2¢ Washington Type II stamp. It’s distinguished by the triangles in the upper-right and upper-left corners. On the Type II stamp, the horizontal lines go through the triangle, but are thinner on the inside than on the outside.
1895 2¢ Washington
Type III
Issue Quantity: 7,475,000,000 (estimate)
Printed by: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Watermark: Double line USPS
Perforation: 12
Color: Carmine
U.S. #267 is the 1895 2¢ Washington Type III stamp. It is distinguished by the triangles in the upper-right and upper-left corners. On the Type III stamp, the horizontal lines are thin on the inside of the triangle and don’t cross the frame lines of the triangle.
1895 2¢ Washington
Type II
Issue Quantity: 125,000,000 (estimate)
Printed by: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Watermark: Double line USPS
Perforation: 12
Color: Carmine
U.S. #266 is the 1895 2¢ Washington Type II stamp. It’s distinguished by the triangles in the upper-right and upper-left corners. On the Type II stamp, the horizontal lines go through the triangle, but are thinner on the inside than on the outside.
1895 2¢ Washington
Type III
Issue Quantity: 7,475,000,000 (estimate)
Printed by: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Watermark: Double line USPS
Perforation: 12
Color: Carmine
U.S. #267 is the 1895 2¢ Washington Type III stamp. It is distinguished by the triangles in the upper-right and upper-left corners. On the Type III stamp, the horizontal lines are thin on the inside of the triangle and don’t cross the frame lines of the triangle.