1991 29c World War II: Burma Road

# 2559a - 1991 29c World War II: Burma Road

$2.50 - $3.20
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$ 2.50
$ 2.50
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US #2559a
1991 Burma Road

  • From first sheet in series commemorating WW2
  • Highlights events that took place in 1941

Category of Stamp:  Commemorative
1941: A World at War, World War II
29¢, First Class Mail rate
First Day of Issue: 
September 3, 1991
First Day City: 
Phoenix, Arizona
Quantity Issued: 
Printed by: 
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Printing Method:
Lithographed and engraved
Miniature sheets of 10 stamps, with a strip of five along the top and another along the bottom, with a world map in the center.

Reason the stamp was issued:  The miniature sheet was issued in honor of the 50th anniversary of America entering World War II.

About the stamp design:  There were many topics the USPS wanted to cover when commemorating World War II, but those planning the series didn’t want to issue a large number of individual stamps.  It was decided a sheetlet format would best highlight the main events of the war.  In order for all the sheetlets to have a uniform design, the same artist, William Bond, and art director, Howard Paine, were assigned to the entire project. The Burma Road stamp pictures the winding, mountainous road that snaked through Burma and into China.  Military vehicles are traveling the route.  Bond painted the scene using acrylic paint. 

The 1941 sheet also features the Peacetime Draft, the Lend-Lease agreement, Civil Defense, the Atlantic Charter meeting, Pearl Harbor, the US declaration of war , and more. 

First Day City:  The First Day of Issue ceremony took place during the opening ceremonies of the American Legion conference in Phoenix, Arizona.

Unusual thing about this stamp:  The design for this World War II sheet was unveiled during a White House ceremony.  President George H. W. Bush, who was a US Navy pilot during the war, participated in the unveiling ceremony.

About the World War II Series:  As the 50th anniversary of World War II was approaching, the US Postal Service wanted a series that would recognize the key events of the war and the important contributions America made to the Allied victory.  Rather than issue a large number of stamps, the USPS decided to create five sheetlets, each commemorating one year of America’s involvement in the war.  Each sheetlet had 10 different stamps arranged in two horizontal strips of 5.  In the center was a world map with Allied and neutral nations in yellow and Axis-controlled areas in red.  Notes on the map highlighted key developments that occurred that year.  The stamps each featured important events that took place during the year, as well.

History the stamp represents: 

The stamp features the following events:

Burma Road, 717-Mile Lifeline to China
The Burma Road linked Burma (now Myanmar) with China.  It was built between 1937 and 1939 so China could receive supplies.  Japan had blockaded water routes to China.  The road was 717 miles long and wound through mountains.  Burmese and Chinese laborers built much of the road.

In 1942, the Japanese invaded Burma and closed the road.  When the Allies recaptured the country in late 1944, the road was once again open to supply much needed aid to China.

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US #2559a
1991 Burma Road

  • From first sheet in series commemorating WW2
  • Highlights events that took place in 1941

Category of Stamp:  Commemorative
1941: A World at War, World War II
29¢, First Class Mail rate
First Day of Issue: 
September 3, 1991
First Day City: 
Phoenix, Arizona
Quantity Issued: 
Printed by: 
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Printing Method:
Lithographed and engraved
Miniature sheets of 10 stamps, with a strip of five along the top and another along the bottom, with a world map in the center.

Reason the stamp was issued:  The miniature sheet was issued in honor of the 50th anniversary of America entering World War II.

About the stamp design:  There were many topics the USPS wanted to cover when commemorating World War II, but those planning the series didn’t want to issue a large number of individual stamps.  It was decided a sheetlet format would best highlight the main events of the war.  In order for all the sheetlets to have a uniform design, the same artist, William Bond, and art director, Howard Paine, were assigned to the entire project. The Burma Road stamp pictures the winding, mountainous road that snaked through Burma and into China.  Military vehicles are traveling the route.  Bond painted the scene using acrylic paint. 

The 1941 sheet also features the Peacetime Draft, the Lend-Lease agreement, Civil Defense, the Atlantic Charter meeting, Pearl Harbor, the US declaration of war , and more. 

First Day City:  The First Day of Issue ceremony took place during the opening ceremonies of the American Legion conference in Phoenix, Arizona.

Unusual thing about this stamp:  The design for this World War II sheet was unveiled during a White House ceremony.  President George H. W. Bush, who was a US Navy pilot during the war, participated in the unveiling ceremony.

About the World War II Series:  As the 50th anniversary of World War II was approaching, the US Postal Service wanted a series that would recognize the key events of the war and the important contributions America made to the Allied victory.  Rather than issue a large number of stamps, the USPS decided to create five sheetlets, each commemorating one year of America’s involvement in the war.  Each sheetlet had 10 different stamps arranged in two horizontal strips of 5.  In the center was a world map with Allied and neutral nations in yellow and Axis-controlled areas in red.  Notes on the map highlighted key developments that occurred that year.  The stamps each featured important events that took place during the year, as well.

History the stamp represents: 

The stamp features the following events:

Burma Road, 717-Mile Lifeline to China
The Burma Road linked Burma (now Myanmar) with China.  It was built between 1937 and 1939 so China could receive supplies.  Japan had blockaded water routes to China.  The road was 717 miles long and wound through mountains.  Burmese and Chinese laborers built much of the road.

In 1942, the Japanese invaded Burma and closed the road.  When the Allies recaptured the country in late 1944, the road was once again open to supply much needed aid to China.