# 2528a - 1991 29c Flag w/Olympic Rings,bklt pn 10
US #2528a
1991 Flag with Olympic Rings
- Booklet Pane of 10
- Shows the US flag and Olympic logo
- USPS was official sponsor of 1992 Olympic Games
Category of Stamp: Definitive
Value: 29¢, First Class mail rate
First Day of Issue: April 21, 1991
First Day City: Atlanta, Georgia
Quantity Issued: 59,208,000
Printed by: J.W. Fergusson and Sons, for KCS Industries, Inc.
Printing Method: Photogravure
Format: Booklets of 10 from printing cylinders of 400 subjects (20 across, 20 down)
Perforations: 11
Reason the stamp was issued: This stamp was issued shortly after the US Postal Service became an official sponsor of the 1992 Olympic Games. As a sponsor, the USPS could use the Olympic rings on its stamps.
About the stamp design: The USPS wanted a stamp showing the US flag and the Olympic rings as a way to announce its sponsorship of the Games. John Boyd was the artist behind the stamp’s design. His original artwork showed the stamp oriented vertically, but the type crowded the flag. The orientation was changed to horizontal, giving more room for the flag and the type.
First Day City: The First Day of Issue ceremony for the stamp took place in Atlanta, Georgia, during the Atlanta Dogwood Festival. This city was the chosen site for the 1996 Summer Olympic games.
History the stamp represents: Flags have been featured on US stamps since 1957. This was the first time the Olympic logo was pictured on a US definitive stamp.
US #2528a
1991 Flag with Olympic Rings
- Booklet Pane of 10
- Shows the US flag and Olympic logo
- USPS was official sponsor of 1992 Olympic Games
Category of Stamp: Definitive
Value: 29¢, First Class mail rate
First Day of Issue: April 21, 1991
First Day City: Atlanta, Georgia
Quantity Issued: 59,208,000
Printed by: J.W. Fergusson and Sons, for KCS Industries, Inc.
Printing Method: Photogravure
Format: Booklets of 10 from printing cylinders of 400 subjects (20 across, 20 down)
Perforations: 11
Reason the stamp was issued: This stamp was issued shortly after the US Postal Service became an official sponsor of the 1992 Olympic Games. As a sponsor, the USPS could use the Olympic rings on its stamps.
About the stamp design: The USPS wanted a stamp showing the US flag and the Olympic rings as a way to announce its sponsorship of the Games. John Boyd was the artist behind the stamp’s design. His original artwork showed the stamp oriented vertically, but the type crowded the flag. The orientation was changed to horizontal, giving more room for the flag and the type.
First Day City: The First Day of Issue ceremony for the stamp took place in Atlanta, Georgia, during the Atlanta Dogwood Festival. This city was the chosen site for the 1996 Summer Olympic games.
History the stamp represents: Flags have been featured on US stamps since 1957. This was the first time the Olympic logo was pictured on a US definitive stamp.